An Ancient Symbol to Answer Modern Questions
Sunday Nights at 7pm.
Sunday 3rd October- The Door; Is there really only one way to God?
Sunday 10th October- The Brazen Altar- Is Sacrifice Barbaric?
Sunday 17th October- The Laver- Can I really be free from addiction?
Sunday 24th October- The Table- Can I really know God?
Sunday 31st October- The Lampstand- Does God really care how I live?
Sunday 7th November- What is the Point of Prayer?
Sunday 14th November- The Ark- Who is Jesus?
Sunday 21st November- The Mercy Seat- Why is the Cross so Important?
Sunday 28th November- The High Priest- Can I lose my Salvation?
Sunday 5th December- The Veil- Do I need a Church to get to God?