We are a group of Christians began to meet together in September 1986 to simply remember the Lord, Pray and tell people about what the Lord Jesus has done for the world. Although we located in Ardmore we retained, the name of Woodford Hall because some members of the church were taught much about the Bible and God’s way of salvation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson at Woodford House situated on the Newry Road just half a mile away from the present church building. It was decided to remember the sterling work they had achieved over many years and so Woodford was included in the naming of the building here at Ardmore.

The work officially started in 1986 when we set up a wooden hall at Ardmore. The Lord blessed this act of faith and increased the work at the hall and so in 1998 a second wooden hall was put in place just adjacent to the existing one. Many people from the local community heard the gospel and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord of their lives. The Sunday School work and the expanding size of the Boy’s and Girl’s Rally created a need for a new building on the site.

In 1997 it was decided to construct a new building to cope with the needs of the assembly and the outreach with which it was involved. At the same time new housing developments were being built in the immediate area and this provided an opportunity to serve our community. The new building was opened in September 2000 fourteen years after the Lord had brought us to the area. 

Fourteen years on from the building of the new hall we are still committed to remember the Lord, praying and making known to the world  that “He (God) cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

It is our desire to function as an autonomous, Bible-based, evangelical church that holds and displays the following values:

• Devoted to God.

• Love for one another.

• Concern for the lost.

• Welcoming to guests.

• Accessible and involved in the local community.

• Accountable to God and each other.

To Love the Lord. To Love His People. To Love our City.